Our association is in search of 8 volunteers to take part to a 2 month European Voluntary Service in Smolensk, Russia. The stage will be between 1st July until 1st September 2019.

WHAT is the project about?

The project supposes involvement of 8 volunteers from Romania into short-term EVS project in rehabilitation centre for disabled children in Smolensk during 2 months. The children come there for rehabilitation for different periods from 3 weeks till half a year. There are children with different kinds of disabilities: with infantile cerebral paralysis and other physical and mental disabilities. Volunteers will need to develop activities for the children and help in the camp.

The centre is located in a very picturesque place in Smolensk city. Smolensk is one of the most ancient Russian towns.


  • to enhance the competences (E2) of 8 volunteers, during 2 months, in working with children with different disabilities, by developing knowledge of at least 2 new methods
  • to offer summer time activities for a group of at least 30 youth, during 2 months, in order to develop them independency skills, logical thinking and motoric coordination.


Smolensk, Russia


1st July until 1st September 2019


  • Persons with Romanian citizenship or rezidenship
  • Young people aged 18 to 30 years old
  • Medium English skills
  • Motivated to take part to all activities of the project, including the dissemination part after return in Romania
  • Has / will have a valid passport until 1st June

WHAT the program if covering:

  • Travel costs (going and coming back) in the limit of 275 euros
  • Accommodation in the camp, in shared rooms with other volunteers
  • 3 meals /day
  • 60 euros pocket money
  • Materials for the activities
  • Heath insurance – Cigna
  • Visa fee to enter Russia

HOW to apply?

STEP 1: send us an e-mail to anter.craiova@yahoo.com and we will send you more information about the project. UNTIL 01st May

STEP 2: prepare and send us your CV and motivation letter. UNTIL 1st May

STEP 3: interview with us (on-line). UNTIL 15th May.

STEP 4: final selection of the candidates so check the website to see if you are there. UNTIL 20th May


Info pack Cultural Summer for volunteers – Download

